Adding a Winning Set: 1.) List - You can use the 'LIST' button to quickly display the up-to-date database of Winning Sets. This button is useful for those times you are adding winning sets but have forgotten where you left off. 2.) Add - Pressing this button will bring up the 'Add to' window and you can begin entering winning sets of numbers. 3.) Update - If you have made a mistake entering a winning set, you should first 'LIST' the database, then select the appropriate 'SET#' from the displayed list, then click the 'UPDATE' button. This will then bring up the 'Update' window with the selected set of numbers for you to edit. Simply press the 'ENTER' key after you have made your changes and the updated set will be saved back to the database. 4.) Help - This button brings up this help window pertaining to the Add/Update options. 5.) Close - Click the 'CLOSE' button to return to the Main Menu.